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As a powerful evolution of the Posterity® fungicide brand, new Posterity XT is a combination of three leading active ingredients including Adepidyn®. It provides control of more than 25 diseases, as well as up to 28 days of control of more than 20 diseases including dollar spot, brown patch and summer patch. With active ingredients in three different FRAC groups, it is an effective tool for resistance management and delivers impressive disease control for fairways, yet is strong enough for greens.

Active Ingredients:

Pydiflumetofen (Posterity)

Azoxystrobin (Heritage)

Propiconazole (Banner Maxx)

  • Broad spectrum control of more than 15 cool-season turf diseases

  • Extended control of summer patch, leaf spot, take-all patch, gray leaf spot, brown patch, plus strong dollar spot control

  • Ideal for mid-season foliar control of brown patch and dollar spot

  • Early season prevention of soil born diseases

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Syngenta Fairy Ring Assurance Program

To support the launch of Posterity XT, Syngenta has introduced the GreenTrust® 365 Fairy Ring Assurance Program, which also features Briskway® fungicide and Velista® fungicide. This program features leading protection from fairy ring on golf course putting greens.

For More Information Click Here

"Posterity XT combines a couple of actives that everyone knows: propiconazole and azoxystrobin… then you throw in the ADEPIDYN, the active ingredient from Posterity. So now we put all three of these products together and we expect to get control of just about any disease you’re going to see in the Midwest. You can’t do any better than that. We’re looking at the highest pressure, the most severe conditions for dollar spot, and Posterity XT performed exceptionally well."


Paul Koch, Ph.D.
Assistant professor in the department of plant pathology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison


"We focused on brown patch and it’s outstanding for brown patch. It also did exceptionally well on dollar spot and gray leaf spot, which is a difficult disease for us to control.

"The beauty of these multiple active ingredient products is that it has broadened the spectrum of activity for many of these diseases that occur at the same time. It not only makes it easier for a superintendent to put one product in a tank, it really does guard against resistance issues and gives them very good control against major diseases in the summer like brown patch and dollar spot."

Bruce Clarke, Ph.D.
Plant pathologist at Rutgers University

Paul Koch, Ph.D., assistant professor in plant pathology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, discusses his experience controlling multiple turf diseases with one product, Posterity® XT fungicide.

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Available Now!

Posterity® Forte fungicide is a powerful combination of three active ingredients, including Adepidyn®, that delivers impressive control of spring dead spot and take-all root rot. It can also provide control of brown patch and dollar spot on all turf types. With active ingredients in three different FRAC groups, it is an effective tool for resistance management and delivers impressive disease control for fairways, yet is strong enough for greens.

Active Ingredients:

Pydiflumetofen (Posterity)

Azoxystrobin (Heritage)

Propiconazole (Banner Maxx)

  • Highly rated spring dead spot control

  • Strongest dollar spot rates with added brown patch, leaf spot control

  • Ideal late season applications for extended dollar spot control with added leaf spot prevention

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Available Now!

Ascernity® fungicide is a robust combination of Solatenol® (benzovindiflupyr) – an advanced SDHI technology in golf on large patch, brown patch and anthracnose – and difenoconazole, the proven cooling DMI, to prevent and control more than 20 diseases in cool and warm-season turf with no heat restrictions.

Active Ingredients:

Benzovindiflupyr (SDHI)

Difenoconazole (Briskway)

  • Combination of Solatenol, an SDHI that is very active against Rhizoctonia diseases; and difenoconozole, the cooling DMI

  • The combination provides enhanced control of anthracnose, large patch, brown patch and dollar spot

  • Ideal addition to greens rotations to prevent anthracnose

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Paul Koch, Ph.D., assistant professor in plant pathology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, discusses his experience with using Ascernity®fungicide to achieve long-lasting dollar spot control.

Syngenta technical services managers, Lane Tredway, Ph.D. and Matt Giese, M.S., detail how superintendents can protect their turf from large patch by following the Syngenta Large Patch Prevention Assurance program.

Learn how Ascernity® fungicide combines SOLATENOL® technology (benzovindiflupyr) – an advanced SDHI for golf course turf – and difenoconazole, the proven cooling DMI, to prevent and control several key diseases in cool season turf including brown patch and anthracnose with no heat restrictions.

Bruce Clarke, Ph. D., Rutgers University, shows how Ascernity® fungicide can control anthracnose on a 14-day application interval.

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Arthur Clesen Inc. and Clesen PROturf Solutions is a distributor of commercial fertilizer, chemicals, grass seed, ice, melters, T&O Supplies and Irrigation Components to green industry professionals in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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