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Barricade 4

Syngenta Herbicides

Barricade 4FL


2 x 2.5 Gal Case

Barricade® 4FL Herbicide - Control Weeds Before They Germinate


Prevent weeds season long with a single application.   Barricade 4FL herbicide controls susceptible weeds by preventing growth and development of newly germinated weeds.  All applications must be made before the targeted weeds germinate; Barricade 4FL will not control weeds after they have already emerged.


Key Features


  • Prevents weeds season long with one application

  • Programmable weed control; application rate controls length of Barricade 4FL residual

  • Labeled for broad range of use sites, turf species and weeds controlled


Key Benefits


  • Long lasting pre-emergence weed control with one application; flexible application timing prior to emergence of weeds.  Applications can be made up to several months before weed germination (see label for specific weeds and turf types)

  • Pay for only the amount of residual control needed; use higher rates for season-long control and lower rates in shorter growing seasons

  • One product which can be used in production ornamentals and/or golf courses (except putting greens) as well as residential turf and landscape ornamentals.  Labeled for more than 30 turf weeds including both summer and winter annuals.  Broad-spectrum control of weeds and labeled for use on most turfgrass species   


(*Potassium salt of glyphosate)

2 x 2.5 Gal Case

Departure® Herbicide Concentrated to Provide More for Less

Departure® herbicide is a non-selective systemic herbicide for control of a broad-spectrum of emerged annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds and unwanted woody brush and trees.


Key Features


  • Proprietary formulation that is nearly 40 percent more concentrated than leading glyphosate.; More active ingredient and less inert carrier.

  • Application methods include broadcast by ground or spot treatments.


Key Benefits


  • Controls a broad-spectrum of emerged annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds as well as unwanted woody brush and trees.

  • Fewer jugs mean less time spent triple rinsing.

  • Rainfast in 30 minutes.

Fusilade II


1 qt Bottle

Fusilade® II Herbicide Broad-Spectrum Grass Control in a Variety of Situations


Fusilade® II herbicide is a selective post emergent turf and ornamental herbicide that controls a long list of both perennial and annual grass weeds in a variety of turf and landscape areas. Extremely fast and effective, Fusilade II can be applied over-the-top or as a directed spray without damaging valuable ornamental plants/shrubs. It can also be used at reduced rates to safely remove bermudagrass from tall fescue and zoysiagrass.


Key Features


  • Application flexibility – Fusilade II can be applied over-the-top in landscaped areas

  • Selective grass control that is rainfast one hour after application

  • Fusilade II moves quickly into the shoots, roots, rhizomes, stolons and growing points of treated grass weeds

  • Effective at low rates to safely remove bermudagrass from tall fescue and zoysiagrass


Key Benefits


  • Fusilade II eliminates the time and expense associated with hand weeding when it is applied over-the-top in landscaped areas.  It can also be applied as a directed spray to minimize any potential phytotoxicity.

  • Safe for use on a wide variety of ornamentals in a variety of turf and landscape situations

  • Fast acting performance = results.  Fusilade II moves quickly to all growing points to stop growth and within a week there is loss of vigor, followed by yellowing and/or reddening, and the eventual death of the grassy weeds without harming ornamental plants.

  • Broad-spectrum control of many annual and perennial grassy weeds




1 Gal Bottle

2.5 Gal Bottle

Reward® Herbicide - A Fast-Acting Non-Selective Herbicide


Reward® Landscape and Aquatic Herbicide provides no-wait control to a variety of aquatic weeds and is ideal for non-selective weed control in turf and landscapes as well as a trim and edge tool. It is a non-selective, highly active herbicide for control of floating, submerged and marginal aquatic weeds.  Reward provides fast burn-down, works in cold weather and rainfast in as little as 30 minutes. The active ingredient, diquat dibromide, has been used successfully in sensitive aquatic areas for over 25 years.


Key Features


  • It can be used along the edges and non-flooded areas of ponds, lakes, drainage ditches and canals.

  • Once applied, it diffuses rapidly through the cuticle and then throughout the leaf tissue of the weed. The first effects can be seen within an hour.

  • Complete control of floating vegetation occurs within one to five days, while submerged weeds require approximately five to 15 days for control.


Key Benefits


  • Highly active, non-selective

  • Broadest spectrum aquatic herbicide available

  • Low use rates

  • Manages weed problems in aquatic, grounds maintenance and landscaping areas



1 Gal Bottle

Tenacity® Herbicide Provides Unprecedented Freedom to Manage Weeds


Tenacity® herbicide can be used for pre- and post-emergence control of more than 46 broadleaf weed and grass species. Its active ingredient, mesotrione, is based on a naturally occurring compound produced by the bottlebrush plant (Callistemon citrinus) that inhibits photosynthesis in susceptible plant species. It is absorbed by plants through the roots, shoots and leaves and distributed throughout the plant by both xylem and phloem translocation.


Key Features


  • Weeds controlled include crabgrass, ground ivy, yellow foxtail, yellow nutsedge and nimblewill. It also controls unwanted bentgrass.

  • Provides post-emergent control of tough-to-control weeds

  • Controls weeds at seeding reducing weed competition


Key Benefits


  • Prevents and controls crabgrass pre or post up to four tillers

  • Eliminates weeds at seeding so new grass can flourish.

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Fusilade II

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Arthur Clesen Inc. and Clesen PROturf Solutions is a distributor of commercial fertilizer, chemicals, grass seed, ice, melters, T&O Supplies and Irrigation Components to green industry professionals in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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