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1 Gal Bottle

Ascernity fungicide combines SOLATENOL® technology (benzovindiflupyr) – an advanced SDHI for golf course turf – and difenoconazole, the proven cooling DMI, to prevent and control several key diseases in cool and warm-season turf including large patch, brown patch and anthracnose with no heat restrictions.

Exceptional Disease Control

  • Is very active against Rhizoctonia diseases

  • Offers enhanced control of anthracnose, large patch, brown patch and dollar spot

  • Provides longer residual on large patch than current industry standards and is now the cornerstone of the Syngenta Large Patch Assurance program

  • Can be used as part of an agronomic program for resistance management and disease control

Large Patch Assurance

The key to protecting your turf from large patch is through preventive fungicide applications. When you follow our large patch assurance program you are guaranteed 90% large patch control on your treated turf, or Syngenta will provide product for a rescue treatment at no cost.*

Our prescriptive program is tailored by region.

Midwest Region (green)

  • Step 1: Apply Ascernity (1 fl. oz./1,000 ft.2) or Heritage® 50WG (0.3 oz./1,000 ft.2) twice in the fall on a 28-day interval.

  • Step 2: Make a third application in the spring when turf growth resumes.


1 Gal Bottle

BriskwayTM fungicide contains a new cooling DMI (Demethylation Inhibitors) active ingredient – difenoconazole – paired with azoxystrobin, the proven strobilurin active ingredient found in Heritage® fungicide. The dual modes of action from the two actives work together at a calculated rate that performs in high temperatures and controls over 20 summer turf diseases including dollar spot. Applications can be made at low use rates in any region under conditions susceptible to hot and humid climates without any heat restrictions or negative PGR effects.



Key Features


  • DMI containing fungicide that can be used in even the hottest months

  • Creeping bentgrass, Poa annua, and bermudagrass are protected at any height of cut

  • Controls over 20 diseases including dollar spot and anthracnose



Key Benefits


  • No heat restrictions

  • No growth regulation effects, thinning or phytotoxicity

  • Excellent rainfastness from rapid uptake into leaf tissue

  • Several plant health benefits including enhanced root development and CO2 assimilation

Banner Maxx II

1 Gal Bottle

10 Gal Link Pak



Systemically Controls More than 20 Diseases of Turf

Banner Maxx® II is a systemic fungicide that provides effective broad-spectrum disease control in turf. It enters through the surface stem or root system, and prevents fungal cell growth by inhibiting sterol biosynthesis.



Key Features


  • Controls more than 18 turf diseases, including dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, red thread, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold and gray snow mold

  • Provides excellent tank mix compatibility, stability and broad-spectrum controlwith its micro-emulsion concentrate formulation

  • Offers control of certain diseases for 21 to 28 days, depending on label rates and spectrum

  • Proven active ingredient that is part of newer combination products like Headway®, Concert® II and Instrata® fungicides.



Key Benefits


  • Resistant to wash-off after formula has dried

  • Contains odorless properties and mixes into a clear solution

Concert II

2.5 Gal Bottle



Concert® II fungicide provides golf course superintendents with preventive disease control on greens, fairways and roughs. Using a proprietary blend of the active ingredients from Banner MAXX® II and Daconil® it is an important component of spray programs for cool-season grasses.



Key Features


  • Protects against more than13 diseases, including snow mold (gray and pink), stem rust, anthracnose, dollar spot, gray leaf spot and brown patch

  • Provides superior resistance against dollar spot with both contact and systemic activity



Key Benefits


  • Offers preventive disease control at efficient rates and cost making it particularly useful, versatile and economical to treat fairways, roughs and greens

  • Contains multi-site mode of action enabling product to be used to delay or prevent the development of resistance to single-site fungicides

  • Helps reduce human application error with no tank mixing requirements

Daconil Action

2.5 Gal Bottle

Daconil ActionTM fungicide is a new fungicide containing the most utilized active ingredient in turf: chlorothalonil, plus a “Turf Protein Booster” enhancing active ingredient Acibenzolar-S-methyl. Unlike traditional methods of disease control, this active ingredient is not a fungicide as it has no direct effect against pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Instead, it acts much like a vaccination. When applied, Acibenzolar-S-methyl triggers the natural defense response, or the Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR), of the turfgrass by activating production of pathogenesis-related proteins (PR proteins). The PR protein boost awakens the turf’s resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses like drought. In addition, this internal response within the plant enhances its own defense system against certain fungal and bacterial disease attacks. Thus, Acibenzolar-S-methyl bridges the gap between genetic resistance and conventional disease control by activating the plant’s own natural defenses.



A FIFRA Section 2(ee) recommendation for a Daconil Action use rate of 1.6 - 2.0 fl. oz. per 1,000 sq. ft.* allows for another 24 to 28 days of dollar spot control on fairways. That’s 33 percent more than generic products. With this new lower application rate, you get an extra month of peace-of-mind regarding what’s beneath your feet.



Key Features


  • Combines chlorothalonil with the Turf Protein Booster, acibenzolar-S-methyl

  • Helps turf defend itself naturally against pathogens and environmental stresses

  • Exhibits an additional unique mode of action, beyond chlorothalonil alone, which mimics the natural systemic activated resistance (SAR) response found in most plant species



Key Benefits


  • Enhanced control of dollar spot and anthracnose

  • Suppression of new diseases including Pythium blight and bacterial wilt*

  • Enhances turf health and increases tolerances to biotic and abiotic stressors like drought tolerance

Daconil Weatherstik

2.5 Gal Bottle



Daconil Weatherstik® is a contact fungicides that exhibits a multi-site mode of action which can delay or prevent resistance to single-site fungicides. It contains a built-in surfactant to provide superior sticking power for extended coverage and unsurpassed protection on the crown and sheath of grass blades, even after heavy rains or watering



Key Features


  • Controls 14 diseases, including dollar spot, brown patch, gray leaf spot, algae, leaf spot, melting out, anthracnose, rust, Fusarium patch, gray snow mold and red thread

  • Exhibits core technology used in newer products like Daconil Action™, Concert® II, Renown™ and Instrata®

  • Registered for control of 50 diseases on more than 75 ornamental plants

  • Provides residual control for 14 to 21 days



Key Benefits


  • Allows the spray solution to stay in suspension for up to six hours, if delayed by wind or rain

  • Provides excellent wide-spectrum disease control when partnered with Heritage®, Banner Maxx®II and Subdue Maxx®

Daconil ZN

2.5 Gal Bottle



Daconil Zn® provides excellent once-a-year disease control. It can be used up to twice a year on golf tees and greens. It is registered to control 13 turf diseases and algae in turf. It is also registered for control of 50 diseases on over 75 ornamental plants.



Key Features


  • It contains 38.5% active ingredient.

  • A built-in surfactant is included to provide superior sticking power for extended coverage even after heavy rains or watering.

  • Multi-site mode of action.



Key Benefits


  • The unique liquid formulation with the surfactant provides residual control for 14 to 21 days

  • Mixes faster and easier

  • Less clogging of nozzles

  • Perfect contact tank-mix partner with systemic fungicides such as Heritage® Banner MAXX® and Subdue MAXX®


1 Gal Bottle

10 Gal LinkPak



Headway® fungicide combines the power of the two active ingredients, found in Heritage® and Banner Maxx® II fungicides, to deliver broad-spectrum disease control against dollar spot, brown patch, and other major turf diseases.



Key Features


  • Formulated to balance each active ingredient for control and optimum efficacy

  • Dual modes of action help ward off disease resistance and control a wide range of diseases.

  • Serves as an excellent rotation product in annual agronomic programs

  • Available in granular, ready-to-spread, or liquid, sprayable formulations



Key Benefits


  • Allows you to choose the most convenient application method, without compromising performance

  • Minimizes need for disease identification with its broad-spectrum control

  • Has little or no odor resulting in no impact on homeowner or golfer

  • Application through a liquid fungicide injector is available for the control of ectotrophic root diseases

Headway G

30 lb Bag


Headway® G provides the effectiveness of a spray with the convenience of a granular due to a highly soluble carrier. Even heavy dew can dissolve the carrier, adding to the efficiency of the product. Headway G provides the same long-lasting broad-spectrum control of the liquid Headway formulation on turfgrass diseases including brown patch, dollar spot, anthracnose and take-all patch.



Key Features


  • The Headway G carrier provides for root uptake and also leaf intake. Because the carrier dissolves so easily and quickly, it does not stick to the leaf, is not picked up with clippings, and does not leave residue on shoes.

  • Stops the infection and prevents it from spreading. Application rates and intervals of Headway G vary depending on target diseases.

  • Lighter-weight granules spread over a wider area than traditional granules. Available in 30-pound bags.



Key Benefits


  • Headway G works in areas Headway cannot due to weather conditions preventing a spray application.

  • Broad-spectrum control up to 28 days.

  • Will typically disperse with a heavy dew or light watering (approximately 2–3 sprinkler revolutions).

  • Engineered particle minimizes dust formation.

Heritage WDG

1 lb Container

6 lb Container



Heritage® is a fungicide with a novel mode of action. Field tests have shown that Heritage consistently provides exceptional disease control for extended intervals and improves overall turf quality.



Key Features


  • Controls a broad spectrum of more than 20 turfgrass diseases, including brown patch, Pythium and snow mold

  • Available in granular, ready-to-spread, liquid or dry sprayable formulations

  • Absorbed through the leaf blade or stem and is taken up by the root system

  • Translocates upward (acropetally) and is uniformly distributed

  • Extruded active ingredient, from the plant, is washed down and recycled back into the plant by root uptake



Key Benefits


  • Allows for extended application intervals up to 28 days, depending on disease pressure, allowing for fewer applications

  • Controls certain turfgrass diseases associated with turfgrass establishment from seed, and may also be used during over-seeding of dormant turfgrass

  • Contains multiple formulation options that allow for application flexibility and mixing/handling preferences 

Heritage TL

1 Gal Bottle

10 Gal LinkPak



Heritage® is a fungicide with a novel mode of action. Field tests have shown that Heritage consistently provides exceptional disease control for extended intervals and improves overall turf quality.



Key Features


  • Controls the toughest turf diseases

  • Fast uptake into the leaf

  • Longest application interval of all strobilurin fungicides



Key Benefits


  • Allows for extended application intervals up to 28 days, depending on disease pressure, allowing for fewer applications

  • Controls certain turfgrass diseases associated with turfgrass establishment from seed, and may also be used during over-seeding of dormant turfgrass

  • Contains multiple formulation options that allow for application flexibility and mixing/handling preferences 


2.5 Gal Bottle

Instrata® fungicide combines the active ingredients found in Daconil®, Medallion® and Banner Maxx® II fungicides in a proprietary formulation. The combination of these active ingredients, with their multiple modes of action, enables Instrata to control numerous pathogens that cause snow mold and many other seasonal diseases.


Key Features


  • Provides excellent snow mold control

  • Controls the over-wintering increase of Collectotrichum graminicola

  • Reduces spring starting pressures of anthracnose leading to more manageable snow mold control the year following application

  • Uses multiple modes of action to help guard against disease resistance


Key Benefits


  • Systemic and contact activity helps control a broad-spectrum of other turf diseases, including anthracnose, dollar spot, brown patch and summer patch

  • Three separate active ingredients help promote efficiency and resistance management

  • Can outperform many conventional snow mold products as well as two- and three-way tank mixes

Medallion SC

1 Gal Bottle

Medallion® SC fungicide is now formulated as a liquid suspension concentrate for easier handling and flexible mixing. Its naturally occurring active ingredient (fludioxonil) explodes fungal spores on the leaf, in the thatch and beneath the soil surface. The suspension concentrate formulation delivers the same reliable, broad-spectrum control of several key turf diseases including snow mold, anthracnose and bentgrass deadspot.



Key Features


  • Triggers fungal spores to rapidly absorb water until they explode

  • Unique MOA affects plasma membranes and amino acid uptake, protecting plants from disease before it can start

  • Derived from a naturally occurring antifungal compound of soil bacteria



Key Benefits


  • Contact+ activity protects on the leaf surface, in the thatch and at the soil surface, dramatically reduce overall disease pressure fast

  • Broad-spectrum control of several key turf diseases including snow mold, anthracnose and bentgrass deadspot

  • New suspension concentrate enhances ease of mixing, measuring and storing


105 fl oz bottle

​Introducing Posterity® fungicide, the most active SDHI in the turf market that elevates the control of key diseases including dollar spot, spring dead spot and fairy ring. Posterity delivers power that lasts, holding stronger for up to 28 days of dollar spot control, and setting a new standard for spring dead spot control. Posterity is labeled for all golf course turf and fits in agronomic solutions to protect cool- and warm-season turf. With Posterity, you can manage the toughest and most prevalent diseases with confidence.

Posterity XT

2 x 2.5 Gal Bottle

As a powerful evolution of the Posterity® fungicide brand, new Posterity XT is a combination of three leading active ingredients including Adepidyn®. It provides control of more than 25 diseases, as well as up to 28 days of control of more than 20 diseases including dollar spot, brown patch and summer patch. With active ingredients in three different FRAC groups, it is an effective tool for resistance management and delivers impressive disease control for fairways, yet is strong enough for greens.


Broad-spectrum foliar disease control with optimum protection against soil-borne diseases like summer patch, leaf spot, take-all patch and fairy ring.  Contains three leading active ingredients in different FRAC groups, including ADEPIDYN® technology (pydiflumetofen), for enhanced control, spectrum and resistance management

Posterity Forte

1 Gal Bottle

Posterity® Forte fungicide is a powerful combination of three active ingredients, including Adepidyn®, that delivers impressive control of spring dead spot and take-all root rot. It can also provide control of brown patch and dollar spot on all turf types. With active ingredients in three different FRAC groups, it is an effective tool for resistance management and delivers impressive disease control for fairways, yet is strong enough for greens.


​Excellent control of dollar spot for up to 28 days, added value of leaf spot and brown patch control​.  Contains three leading active ingredients in different FRAC groups, including ADEPIDYN® technology (pydiflumetofen).


2.5 Gal Bottle



Provides Built-in Resistant Management for Numerous Turf Diseases 

Renown® is a broad-spectrum fungicide with contact and systemic, preventive and curative properties to add to your arsenal against many turf diseases. Once applied, one of the active ingredients, azoxystrobin, cycles systemically through the entire plant, from root to leaf tip. Even after heavy rains or watering, the stick-and-stay technology of the other active ingredient, chlorothalonil, is held to the plant.



Key Features


  • Controls many key diseases, including anthracnose, brown patch, cool-weather brown patch, yellow patch, dollar spot, powdery mildew and red thread

  • Contains built-in resistance management qualities

  • Features proprietary stick-and-stay technology



Key Benefits


  • Low use rates aid in managing annual usage ceilings for chlorothalonil

  • Dual modes of action ensure a built in resistant management strategy

  • Small particle size allows for better distribution on the surface of the plant

Secure Action

2.5 gal jug, 0.5 gal jug

Golf’s leading fungicide, Secure®, is now even better. Secure® Action™ fungicide includes a boost of acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), to better mitigate and quickly recover from biotic and abiotic stress. With an enhanced formulation of a trusted multi-site contact fungicide, it offers improved dollar spot control and brings the ASM defense to fairways and greens, providing inside-out turf protection for your entire course.

Subdue G

25 lb Bag

Use Subdue® GR on bedding plants, flowers, perennials, shrubs and other ornamental plants in outdoor landscapes and interiorscapes to control damping-off, downy mildew and root and stem rot diseases caused byPythium and Phytophthora. Apply either as a soil surface application or incorporate into the soil at the time of seeding and transplanting. When applying Subdue GR to the soil surface, irrigate with enough water to completely wet the root zone after application.



Key Features


  • Long-lasting, cost-efficient control of diseases caused by Pythium, Phytophthora and downy mildew fungi.

  • Provides superior protection as a granular formulation for broadcast and soil incorporation treatments.

  • Delivers systemic action and contact activity, helping eliminate disease both inside the plant and on the plant surface.

Subdue Maxx

1 Gal Bottle

10 Gal LinkPak



Subdue Maxx® fungicide offers superior control of Pythium blight. It is a microemulsion concentrate formulation providing excellent tank mix compatibility and stability which.contains no odor and mixes into a clear solution.



Key Features


  • Has broad spectrum disease control, including Pythium blight and Pythium damping-off, Phytophthera, yellow tuft (downy mildew) in bluegrass and downy mildew in St. Augustine

  •  Contains systemic activity providing even distribution throughout the plant



Key Benefits


  • Enables easy mixing and less equipment wear due to its microemulsion concentrate formulation

  • Minimizes development of insensitive strains of fungi

  • Helps reduce disruption on the course and to home owners with odorless technology


22 oz Bottle

Broadest Spectrum SDHI Fungicide in the Golf Market


Velista™ fungicide is the broadest spectrum and only SDHI labeled for anthracnose in the golf market. Spring and fall are ideal seasons to clean up greens, tees and fairways. In addition to controlling anthracnose, Velista also protects against dollar spot, brown patch and more. When used in rotation with Briskway™ fungicide, Velista delivers excellent control of summer stress diseases on greens when temperatures shift from warm to hot.

A FIFRA Section 2(ee) recommendation* for Velista was granted for control of these extra diseases:


  • Summer Patch

  • Brown Ring Patch

  • Spring Dead Spot

  • Fairy Ring

  • Leaf and Sheath Spot

  • Rapid Blight


Key Features


  • Broadest spectrum and only SDHI labeled for anthracnose in the golf market

  • Controls 14 key turf diseases, including resistant strains of dollar spot and anthracnose

  • Penthiopyrad exhibits translaminar and xylem systemic movement on treated turf

  • The water-dispersible granular (WDG) formulation allows for easy mixing and application


Key Benefits


  • Provides disease control for 14-21 days

  • Outstanding control for spring and fall clean-up

  • Excellent control of summer stress diseases

  • Low-use rates and mixes well with Daconil Action™, Secure® or Heritage® fungicides for extended control of disease

Please reload

Banner Maxx
Daconil Action
Dac Weatherstik
Dac ZN

Syngenta Fungicides

Headway G
Heritage WDG
Heritage TL
Medallion SC
Subdue GR
Subdue Maxx
Secure Action
Posterity Forte
Posterity XT

Paul Koch, Ph.D., assistant professor in plant pathology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, shares how Secure® Action™ fungicide offers an improved formulation and increased dollar spot control vs. Secure fungicide.

Paul Koch, Ph.D., assistant professor in plant pathology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, discusses his experience with using Secure® Action™ fungicide to get quick control which is imperative in curative control situations.

Paul Koch, Ph.D., assistant professor in plant pathology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, explains his experience using Secure® Action™ fungicide over the years to gain dollar spot control and strong resistance management.

© 2024 Clesens, Clesen PROturf Solutions & Arthur Clesen Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Arthur Clesen Inc. and Clesen PROturf Solutions is a distributor of commercial fertilizer, chemicals, grass seed, ice, melters, T&O Supplies and Irrigation Components to green industry professionals in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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