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Captain XTR

2 x 2.5 gal Case

Through INFUSION, Captain XTR is the best available technology for the control of all types of algae. Captain XTR is optimized to increase the penetration of copper (INFUSION) into algae cells and enhance efficacy. This formulation feature is especially impactful when targeting tough to control mat forming, colonial and mucilaginous species. Waters treated with Captain XTR may be used for swimming, fishing, watering livestock and irrigation of food and non-food crops (e.g. turf, ornamentals) during and after application.

Algae Control Through INFUSION

  • INFUSION is impacted by formulation technology

  • Captain XTR INFUSION results in more copper into algae cells and improved control

  • Enhanced performance on challenging species, such as Lyngbya, Oscillatoria, Microcystis, Pithophora, Rhizoclonium, Nitellopsis obtusa (Starry stonewort)


2 x 2.5 gal Case

To effectively control floating, emerged and shoreline weed species while allowing desirable plants to colonize, Clearcast® herbicide is the clear choice. Its selectivity makes Clearcast ideal for aquatic areas used for fishing and other recreation activities, while minimal irrigation restrictions allow Clearcast to be applied in a large variety of aquatic environments, including golf course ponds and irrigation canals and ditches.

How It Works
The active ingredient in Clearcast is absorbed through the leaves, stems and roots of vegetation. It binds with an enzyme found only in plants, and not found in humans, mammals, birds, fish or insects. Sensitive plants stop growing within 24 hours after treatment, and then slowly break down as food and energy reserves are exhausted. The rate at which plants age varies with plant size and growth habit. Clearcast has a very favorable environmental profile, and is classified as practically nontoxic to birds, fish, algae and aquatic invertebrates. It’s the only herbicide on the market that has been granted a tolerance exemption by the EPA, which means there are no food residue limits for Clearcast in fish, shellfish, crustaceans or irrigated crops.

Flexible Application, Minimal Restrictions
Clearcast may be applied in a variety of ways, including directly to the water for the control of submerged aquatic plant species; as a foliar application specifically for emergent and floating species; and via ground and aerial equipment, including both fixed-wing and helicopter. When applying a foliar application by boat, the boat trail must be adequately sprayed after passing through. Clearcast is also a great tank-mix partner with many other aquatic herbicides.


2 x 2.5 gal Case

K-Tea algaecide is the best choice for eliminating standing or slow-moving water of unsightly and troublesome planktonic and filamentous algae. 

Enjoy the performance and application flexibility K-Tea offers as well as the minimum restrictions for its use on a broad spectrum of algae, including Cyanophyceae (blue-green), Chlorophyceae (green), Diatomaceae (diatoms), and Protozoa (flagellates). 

K-Tea carries no restrictions on how soon treated water may be used after application. Water treated with K-Tea can be used immediately for recreation, drinking, livestock watering, golf course, and crop and ornamental plant irrigation. 

K-Tea algaecide is the best choice for eliminating standing or slow-moving water of unsightly and troublesome planktonic and filamentous algae. 


Enjoy the performance and application flexibility K-Tea offers as well as the minimum restrictions for its use on a broad spectrum of algae, including Cyanophyceae (blue-green), Chlorophyceae (green), Diatomaceae (diatoms), and Protozoa (flagellates). 


K-Tea carries no restrictions on how soon treated water may be used after application. Water treated with K-Tea can be used immediately for recreation, drinking, livestock watering, golf course, and crop and ornamental plant irrigation. 


K-Tea is a copper-based product that has been proven effective with years of use. It works best when applied at the first signs of algal blooms. A unique set of features makes K-Tea a distinctive algaecide with unmatched benefits. 


Effective even in hard water


May be tank-mixed for broader control


Quality liquid formulation for long shelf life

Effective even in hard water

May be tank-mixed for broader control

Quality liquid formulation for long shelf life

SeClear & SeClear G

2 x 2.5 gal Case

50 lb bag

The Foundation for Routine Algae Management


Nuisance Algae

Whether it’s filamentous algae (“scum”) in your backyard pond or toxic cyanobacteria in lakes and reservoirs, nuisance algae is trouble and potentially harmful. When left unmanaged, nuisance algae can cause the loss of oxygen, death of fish, and hinder water’s use for swimming, fishing, drinking, power generation and irrigation. Excess levels of phosphorous (e.g. eutrophication) is a widespread problem in rivers, ponds, lakes and reservoirs.


SeClear Algaecide & Water Quality Enhancer®

In 2010, SeClear (liquid) was the first all-in-one algaecide and water quality enhancer approved by the US EPA. Because of eutrophication, successful management of nuisance algae and improving water quality can be difficult. Other copper-based algaecides, such as the old standard copper sulfate, can control some algae present but does nothing to address phosphorus and water quality. Thus, management can turn into a cycle of application, temporary improvement, rapid regrowth, with no progress toward long-term water quality improvements.


SeClear was designed from the ground up to control nuisance algae and enhance water quality. By treating the algae present and reducing the amount of available phosphorous and suspended solids with each application, SeClear has been documented to provide algae control, longer intervals between applications, smaller follow-up applications and better water quality.

Sonar Q

8 lb Pail

While each Sonar formulation provides applicators an abundance of options when seeking to control nuisance aquatic vegetation in a variety of treatment situations, Sonar* Quick Release* aquatic herbicide is the fastest releasing Sonar pellet in a quick, easy-to-apply formulation. 

Sonar Quick Release, the latest innovation of the Sonar brand, accelerates the release of Sonar concentrations into the water column. Formulated as a 5% active ingredient on a 1/8-inch diameter granular pellet, Sonar Q quickly expands for an accelerated release providing better control in ponds with muck sediments and high organic content. When used in ponds, Sonar Q releases a higher amount of active ingredient into the plant than other Sonar pellet formulations in a shorter amount of time. 

The Sonar Q pellet begins the degradation process immediately upon contact with the water. Once submerged the Sonar Quick Release pellet swells and expands, transforming the pellet into a buoyant composition that will rest on top of soft muck bottom sediments. Sonar Q has the efficient concentration level of a liquid, but provides for more accurate placement. The pellets will land where they are thrown, eliminating overspray onto sensitive shoreline vegetation like lawns. 

Sonar Aquatic Herbicide selectivity is dependent upon dosage, time of year, stage of growth, method of application and water movement. Please see the Sonar label for an outline of vascular aquatic plants controlled, partially controlled and not controlled by Sonar. Algae (chara, nitella, filamentous species) are not controlled by Sonar. Consult a SePRO Aquatic Specialist prior to application of Sonar Aquatic Herbicide to determine your target plants' susceptibility.

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Arthur Clesen Inc. and Clesen PROturf Solutions is a distributor of commercial fertilizer, chemicals, grass seed, ice, melters, T&O Supplies and Irrigation Components to green industry professionals in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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