Anuew plant growth regulator is a late-stage inhibitor with a novel mode of action that can be used on all managed turf areas to improve turfgrass quality, density and appearance. Prohexadione Calcium
A systemic plant growth regulator that prevents non-residential turf-grass from growing for 6-8 weeks after applying the product, reducing the need to mow. Paclobutrazol
Anuew plant growth regulator is a late-stage inhibitor with a novel mode of action that can be used on all managed turf areas to improve turfgrass quality, density and appearance. Prohexadione Calcium
Promotes denser, healthier turf that is better able to withstand a variety of stresses including heat, drought, diseases and traffic. Trinexapac-ethyl, Paclobutrazol
Promotes lateral growth in turf while limiting top growth and suppressing seedheads of Poa and white clover. Use for elimination of undesirable fruit on apple, crabapple, carob and olive trees. Ethephon
Efficient, economical solution to Poa annua conversion and suppression in both perennial cool-season turf stand and overseeded bermudagrass fairways. Flurprimidol, Paclobutrazo, Trinexapac-ethyl