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4 x 1 QT / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Miticide

Provides reliable, long-lasting control of mites and leafminers along with suppression of whitefly, thrips and aphids on foliage plants, woody ornamentals and Christmas trees. Abamectin

Acelepryn & Ference MultiPak


In Stock

Syngenta Insecticide

(4) .5 Gal Acelepryn, (1) 96 Oz. Ference

Aloft Granular

30 LB Bag

In Stock

Nufarm Insecticide

Granular preventive and curative control of surface feeders including white grubs, two modes of action, Clothianidin, Bifenthrin


4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

FMC Insecticide

Insecticide provides excellent control of borers, beetles, leafhoppers, chinch bugs, cutworms and over 40 other damaging tree and lawn pests. Permethrin

Bifenthrin Golf & Nursery

4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Insecticide

Flowable pyrethroid insecticide that works to give you long lasting prevention and control of tough pest infestations on many listed sites. Bifenthrin


12 x 1 QT / Case

In Stock

Corteva Insecticide

T&O insect control offers fast, effective control of thrips, bagworms, black cutworms, sod webworms, armyworms, gypsy moths and winter moths at low use rates in turf and ornamental settings, Spinosad


30 x 1 LB / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Insecticide

Biological insecticide delivers outstanding worm control while being friendly to workers, the environment, and beneficial insects. Bacillus thuringiensi

Dylox Granular

30 LB Bag

In Stock

Envu Insecticide

Rapid curative grub control in as little as 24 hours, Granular


6 x 8 OZ Bottle / Case

Special Order

Envu Miticide

Knockdown and residual control of mites and all stages of whiteflies for four to eight weeks

Imidacloprid Granular

30 LB Bag

In Stock

QualiPro Insecticide

For foliar and systemic insect control in turfgrass, landscape ornamentals, fruit and nut trees, and interior plants capes. Low use rates for cost efficient, highly effective control. Water-soluble bags simplify measuring and mixing. Imidacloprid

Lambda GCO

6 x 1 QT Bottle / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Insecticide

Highly effective control of insect pests for both indoor and outdoor applications in turf and ornamentals. Lambda - Cyhalothrin

Merit 2F

4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Envu Insecticide

Imidacloprid, Flowable

Nuvan Prostrips

12 x 16 Gram / Box

In Stock

AMVAC Insecticide

Slow release vapor strip insecticide, Dichlorvos


6 x 1 QT Bottle / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Miticide

Microencapsulated concentrate containing Lambda-Cyhalothrin, Novaluron, and Pyriproxyfen. Fast-acting and long-lasting solution for hard to control pests including mosquitoes, cockroaches, fleas and ticks. Lambda-Cyhalothrin, Novaluron, Pyriproxyfen


4 x 3 LB Bottle / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Insecticide

Super-systemic insecticide with quick uptake and knockdown of tree, shrub, and herbaceous ornamental pests. Dinotefuran

Stryker Wasp Killer

12 x 15 OZ Can / Case

In Stock

CSI Wasp Spray

Wasp and Hornet killer jet spray shoots 20 ft away. Non-conductive, can use around electrical equipment.


10 x 2 Foil Paks / Box

Special Order

Mole Bait

Worm-shaped mole bait scientifically proven to kill moles in lawns and gardens. Moles usually die in their tunnels often within 12-24 hours of ingesting the TALPIRID bait.

Tempo SC

6 x 240 ML Bottle / Case

In Stock

Envu Insecticide

Fast broad-spectrum control of more than 100 nuisance pests, Beta-cyfluthrin

Triple Crown

4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

FMC Insecticide

Triple-action insecticide for fast-acting, long-lasting, broad-spectrum control of above- and below-ground pests. Bifenthrin, Imidacloprid, Zeta - cypermethrin


20x15 GR/Box (10 Box/CS)

In Stock

ArborJet Insecticide

Ace-jet is a broad spectrum systemic insecticide for the management of specific insect pests of forests, trees, landscape ornamentals and interior plantscapes, 97.4% Acephate

Acelepryn XTRA

2 x 2.5 GAL / Case
4 x 30 Oz Bottle / Case

In Stock
In Stock

Syngenta Insecticide

Season-long control of grubs and turf caterpillars with a single application as well as key pests like adult beetles and foliar-feeding caterpillars on landscape ornamentals. Chlorantraniliprole/Thiamethoxam

Arena 50WDG

4 x 2.5 LB Bottle / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Insecticide

Works as both a preventive and a curative, for outstanding control of chinch bugs, white grubs and a broad spectrum of other turf and ornamental pests with a single application. Clothianidin


4 x 1 GAL / Case

Special Order

Syngenta Miticide

Insecticide/miticide delivers proven, broad-spectrum control of mites and leafminers as well as suppression of aphids, thrips and whiteflies. Abamectin

Bifenthrin I/T

4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Insecticide

Flowable pyrethroid insecticide that works to give you long lasting prevention and control of tough pest infestations on many listed sites. Bifenthrin I/T 7.9F

Cyzmic CS

12 x 8 Oz Bottle / Case

Special Order

QualiPro Insecticide

Micro-encapsulated suspension containing Lambda-Cyhalothrin, that offers extended release of the A.I. for enhanced efficacy and longevity in pest control applications. Its versatile label allows for applications in perimeter pest control, T&O.


4 x 1 QT / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Insecticide

Controls whiteflies, fungus gnats, scales and other insects by preventing eggs, larvae and pupae from maturing into adults. A natural for integrated pest management (IPM) or insect resistance management (IRM) programs. Pyriproxyfen

Dylox SL

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

Special Order

Envu Insecticide

Rapid curative grub control in as little as 24 hours

Hexygon 50DF

10 x 6 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock

Gowan Miticide

Stable, surface active miticide which provides excellent translaminar movement between leaf surfaces


4 x 17.1 OZ Bottle/Case

In Stock

Envu Nematicide

Controls key plant parasitic nematodes in turfgrass, Fluopyram (Benzamides)


2.5 GAL Jug

In Stock

Gowan Insecticide Soap

Natural insecticide, miticide, and fungicide that provides excellent contact control of various soft bodied insects, mites, and powdery mildew throughout their life cycles. NOP compliant and OMRI listed.

Merit 75 WSP

4 x 1.6 OZ WSP / Case

In Stock

Envu Insecticide

Imidacloprid, Water Soluble Packets

Orthene 97 ST

12 x 0.733 LB Bag / Case

In Stock

AMVAC Insecticide

Contact and Sysemic control of feeding insects in turf, tree and ornamental, Acephate


4 x 72 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Insecticide

A water-dispersible granular insecticide. Indoxacarb

Scimitar GS

8 x 1 QT / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Insecticide

Insecticide encapsulates the active ingredient, lambda-cyhalothrin, in small polymer capsules to protect it from the degrading effects of pH, sunlight and UV light. Lambda-cyhalothrin

Summit B.T.I. Briquets

5 x 20 Cards / Case

In Stock

AMVAC Larvicide

Mosquito Larvicide Briquets, Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. iraelensis (BRI)

Talstar XTRA Granular

25 LB Bag

In Stock

FMC Insecticide

Granular Bifenthrin, Zeta-Cypermethrin with Verge Granular Technology


4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Envu Insecticide

Insecticide that offers fast-acting, season-long control of white grubs and annual bluegrass weevil (ABW), Tetraniliprole


4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Insecticide

Quick long-lasting residual control of a range of pests. Odorless water-based formulation mixes easily and works with contact, systemic and translaminar activity to protect valuable plants. Great alternative if pollination impact is a concern. Acetamiprid


4 x 64 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Insecticide

Season-long control of grubs and turf caterpillars with a single application as well as key pests like adult beetles and foliar-feeding caterpillars on landscape ornamentals. Chlorantraniliprole

Aloft GC

4 x 64 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Insecticide

Contact and systemic insect pest control in turf and landscape ornamentals and ornamental trees including non bearing fruit trees. Clothianidin, Bifenthrin

Arena Granular

30 LB Bag

In Stock

Nufarm Insecticide

Works as both a preventive and a curative, for outstanding control of chinch bugs, white grubs and a broad spectrum of other turf and ornamental pests with a single application.


4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

FMC Insecticide

Insecticide provides lasting pest control even proven to remain effective for over 20 years. BaseLine can be applied outdoors as a perimeter or broadcast treatment on lawns, or indoors as crack and crevice and wall void treatment. Bifenthrin

Caravan Granular

30 LB Bag

Special Order

Syngenta Granular Combo

Granular Meridian Insecticide (Thiamethoxam) and Heritage G (Azoxystrobin)

Demand & Archer MulitPak

5 Pint Bottles Archer/2 QT bottles Demand

In Stock

Syngenta Insecticide

Proven reduction in mosquito populations on either a 60-day or 30-day treatment cycle. Syngenta SecureChoice Mosquito Assurance Program Guarantee. Lambda-Cyhalothrin, Pyriproxyfen


4 x 16 OZ Bottle / Case
4 x 64 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock
In Stock

FMC Insecticide


Floramite SC

8 x 1 QT / Case

In Stock

Uniroyal Miticide

Controls a variety of mite pests on ornamental plants which include foliage, bedding, flowering plants as well as bulb crops, perennials, trees, and shrubs. Bifenazate

Imidacloprid 2F

4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Insecticide

For foliar and systemic insect control in turfgrass, landscape ornamentals, fruit and nut trees, and interior plants capes. Low use rates for cost efficient, highly effective control. Water-soluble bags simplify measuring and mixing. Imidacloprid

Insecticide III

28.12 LB Bag

In Stock

Andersons Insecticide

Controls surface feeding insects, Chlorpyrifos, Dispersible Granule (DG), Labeled for Golf Course Use Only


4 x 102 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Insecticide

Controls soil and foliar pests at very low rates, through both contact and ingestion activity. Thiamethoxam

Merit Granular

30 LB Bag

Special Order

Envu Insecticide

Imidacloprid, Granular

Orthene T&O WSP

12 x 1 LB WSP

In Stock

AMVAC Insecticide

Contact and Sysemic control of feeding insects in turf, tree and ornamental, Acephate. 1 LB = 3 x 0.33 LB WSP

Pure Spray

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case
55 GAL Drum

In Stock
In Stock

Pure Spray Hort. Oil

Horticultural Dormant & Summer Oil


8 x 1 QT Bottle / Case

In Stock

FMC Insecticide

Insecticide with UVX Technology engineered to control mosquitos up to 90 days, it maintains a continuous residual even when faced with high temperatures and intense sunlight. Gamma-Cyhalothrin


2 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Insecticide

Insecticide, powered by Novaluron is a unique mode of action to fight against annual bluegrass weevils. Novaluron is a chitin synthesis inhibitor (CSI). Suprado interferes with the ability of the insect to produce chitin.


4 x 3 LB / Case

Special Order

SePRO Insecticide

Insect Growth Regulator offers phenomenal activity against nuisance insects

Tick Killz

12 x 1 QT / Case

In Stock

Tick Killz Insecticide

Cedar Oil based liquid concentrate thats used to treat lawns, shrubs, mulch beds, perimeter wood lines and any other damp, shaded areas where insects tend to dwell and breed. Providing on average 4 weeks of residual repellent benefit after each application

© 2025 Clesens, Clesen PROturf Solutions & Arthur Clesen Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Arthur Clesen Inc. and Clesen PROturf Solutions is a distributor of commercial fertilizer, chemicals, grass seed, ice, melters, T&O Supplies and Irrigation Components to green industry professionals in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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