Strobe 50W
QualiPro Fungicide
A combination of two broad spectrum, preventative and curative fungicides with systemic properties for the control of many important turfgrass diseases. Azoxystrobin (Strobilurin), Propiconazole (DMI)
Item Number
Package Size
2 x 6 LB Bottle / Case
In Stock
QualiPro Strobe 50WG Fungicide
Product Description:
QualiPro Strobe 50WG is a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide formulated as a water-dispersible granule (WG) containing 50% Azoxystrobin as its active ingredient. It provides highly effective disease control in turfgrass and ornamental plants through its preventive and curative action. Strobe 50WG works by inhibiting fungal respiration, offering long-lasting protection and promoting healthier, more resilient plants. It can be used in golf courses, residential and commercial lawns, nurseries, greenhouses, and landscape ornamentals.
Key Benefits:
Broad-Spectrum Control – Effectively manages a wide range of turf and ornamental diseases.
Systemic & Translaminar Activity – Moves within the plant for extended protection.
Prevents & Cures Diseases – Works both as a preventive and curative treatment.
Long-Lasting Residual Control – Provides extended protection, reducing application frequency.
Rainfast & UV Resistant – Ensures effectiveness even under adverse weather conditions.
Turf Safety – Gentle on all major turfgrass species when used as directed.
Tank-Mix Compatible – Easily integrates with other fungicides and plant protection products.
Targeted Diseases:
QualiPro Strobe 50WG controls a wide variety of turf and ornamental diseases, including:
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.)
Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani)
Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa)
Pythium Blight (Pythium spp.)
Gray Leaf Spot (Pyricularia grisea)
Leaf Rusts (Puccinia spp.)
Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe spp.)
Snow Mold (Typhula spp., Microdochium nivale)
Summer Patch (Magnaporthe poae)
Take-All Patch (Gaeumannomyces graminis)
Application Rates & Instructions:
Turfgrass (Golf Courses, Lawns, Athletic Fields, Sod Farms)
Use Rates: 0.2 - 0.7 oz per 1,000 sq. ft.
Apply using sufficient water (2-4 gallons per 1,000 sq. ft.) to ensure adequate coverage.
Apply at 14- to 28-day intervals, depending on disease pressure.
Ornamental Plants (Nurseries, Greenhouses, Landscapes, Container Plants)
Use Rates: 1 - 4 oz per 100 gallons of water
Apply every 7-28 days depending on the disease and environmental conditions.
Use Restrictions & Safety Precautions:
Avoid consecutive applications without rotating with a fungicide from a different mode of action group to prevent resistance.
Not for use in home gardens or edible crops.
Do not apply near water bodies or areas prone to runoff to protect aquatic life.
Allow a 4-hour restricted entry interval (REI) after application.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & Safety Guidelines:
Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, waterproof gloves, and protective eyewear during mixing and application.
Avoid inhalation and skin contact; use in well-ventilated areas.
If accidental contact occurs, wash with soap and water immediately.
Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and food sources.
Dispose of empty containers following local regulations.
With its systemic action and broad-spectrum control, QualiPro Strobe 50WG is an excellent choice for maintaining disease-free turf and ornamentals, ensuring healthier and more aesthetically pleasing landscapes.
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Always consult the product label for complete application instructions and safety guidelines. For the most accurate label information please refer to the manufacturer website.