3336 EG
Nufarm Fungicide
Thiophanate-methy (Benzimidazoles)
Item Number
Package Size
4 x 5 LB Bottle / Case
Special Order
Nufarm 3336EG Fungicide
Product Description:
Nufarm 3336EG is a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide formulated as an extruded granular (EG) formulation containing thiophanate-methyl as the active ingredient. It provides excellent disease control in turfgrass, ornamentals, nurseries, and greenhouse crops, offering both preventative and curative properties. Its systemic action allows for efficient uptake and redistribution within the plant, ensuring long-lasting protection against a wide range of fungal diseases.
Key Benefits:
Broad-Spectrum Disease Control – Effective against a wide variety of turf and ornamental diseases.
Systemic Protection – Absorbed and translocated within the plant for comprehensive coverage.
Long-Lasting Residual Activity – Provides extended protection with appropriate application timing.
Versatile Use – Can be applied as a foliar spray, drench, or soil treatment.
Enhanced Turfgrass Recovery – Promotes plant health and recovery from stress caused by diseases.
Compatible with IPM Programs – Can be used in integrated pest management strategies.
Diseases Controlled:
Nufarm 3336EG is effective against a variety of fungal pathogens, including but not limited to:
Turf Diseases:
Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia solani)
Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa)
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum graminicola)
Summer Patch (Magnaporthe poae)
Fusarium Patch (Microdochium nivale)
Gray Snow Mold (Typhula spp.)
Necrotic Ring Spot (Ophiosphaerella korrae)
Pink Snow Mold (Microdochium nivale)
Ornamental Diseases:
Botrytis Blight (Botrytis cinerea)
Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe spp., Sphaerotheca spp.)
Black Spot (Diplocarpon rosae)
Rhizoctonia Root Rot (Rhizoctonia solani)
Fusarium Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum)
Scab (Venturia spp.)
Rust (Puccinia spp.)
Application Rates:
Turfgrass Applications:
Preventative: Apply 2 to 6 oz/1,000 sq. ft. at 14–28 day intervals.
Curative: Use the higher rate and reapply as needed for disease recovery.
Ornamentals (Greenhouse, Nursery, and Landscape Use):
Foliar Spray: Mix 12–16 oz per 100 gallons of water and apply as a thorough spray every 7–14 days.
Drench Applications: Apply 8–16 oz per 100 gallons as a soil drench for root diseases.
Always refer to the product label for crop-specific rates and frequency of application.
Use Restrictions:
Do not graze treated areas or feed clippings to livestock.
Maintain a minimum 12-hour re-entry interval (REI) after application.
Avoid applications during periods of heavy rainfall to minimize runoff risks.
Safety & Precautions:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Wear gloves, protective clothing, and eye protection when handling and applying.
Environmental Caution: Do not apply directly to water sources, as the product is toxic to aquatic organisms.
Storage & Disposal: Store in a cool, dry place away from food, feed, and water supplies. Dispose of according to local regulations.
First Aid: In case of exposure, rinse skin or eyes immediately with water and seek medical attention if irritation persists.
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Always consult the product label for complete application instructions and safety guidelines. For the most accurate label information please refer to the manufacturer website.