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26/36 Fungicide

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Fungicide

Fungicide offers two modes of action and two plant movement strategies to increase length of disease control. As a tank-mix partner, it is compatible with most commonly used fungicides. Iprodione (Dicarboximides), thiophanate-methyl (Benzimidazoles)

Affirm WDG

3 x 2.4 LB / Case

Special Order

Nufarm Fungicide

Polyoxin D, Localized Penetrant (Polyoxin)


4 X 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

An advanced fungicide with the proven cooling DMI, to prevent and control several key diseases in cool turf including large patch, brown patch and anthracnose with no heat restrictions. Difenoconazole (DMI), Solatenol (SDHI)

Banner Maxx II

2 x 1 GAL / Case
10 GAL LinkPak

In Stock
Special Order

Syngenta Fungicide

Controls dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, red thread, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, gray snow mold and more. Propiconazole (DMI)


10 x 0.49 LB Pak / Case

In Stock

Boscalid fungicide

Boscalid (SDHI)


4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

SePRO Fungicide

For foliar bacterial and fungal disease control. Copper Octanoate

Chipco Signature

44 LB Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Aluminum tris (Phosphonate)

Companion Biological Fungicide

4 x 5 LB Pail

In Stock

DPH Biological Fungicide

Broad spectrum biofungicide prevents, controls and suppresses soil-borne and foliar diseases. Includes rhizobacteria, which stimulates healthier roots and improves nutrient uptake, while protecting roots from invading pathogen

Cupro 5000

8 x 3 LB Bag / Case

In Stock

SePRO Algaecide

Advanced copper fungicide/bactericide technology that delivers excellent disease control with all the advantages of a dry flowable-decreased handling, dust exposure, packaging and loading time. Copper Hydroxide

Daconil Action & Banner Maxx II MultiPak


In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Controls dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, red thread, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, gray snow mold and more. Propiconazole (DMI), Chlorothalonil (Nitriales). 1 – 2.5 gal Daconil Action fungicide, 1 – 1 gal Banner Maxx® II fungicide

Daconil Weatherstik

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Dollar spot, brown patch, gray leaf spot, algae, leaf spot, melting out, anthracnose, rust, Fusarium patch, gray snow mold and red thread. Chlorothalonil (Nitriales)

Dithane T&O

4 x 12 LB Bag / Case

In Stock

Mancozeb Fungicide

Mancozeb (Dithiocarbamates)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Fluopyram (SDHI), Trifloxystrobin (Strobilurin), Stressgard


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Phosporic Acid (Phoshite), Stressgard


4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Colorant

A unique, pigment additive formulation designed to enhance and extend the aesthetic appearance of your turf site following a pesticide application.

Heritage WDG

6 x 1 LB Bottles / Case
6 LB Bottle

In Stock
In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

A systemic fungicide with preventive and curative properties for control of some of the toughest turf diseases. Azoxystrobin (Strobilurin)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Industry-standard for snow mold control that is assured for 130 days under snow cover. Chlorothalonil (Nitriales), Fludioxonil (Phenylpyrrole), Propiconazole (DMI)


8 x 5 LB Bottle / Case

In Stock

SePRO Fungicide

A dry flowable powder that acts as a broad spectrum fungicide. Copper Hydroxide and Mancozeb (Dithiocarbamates)

Medallion SC

2 x 1 GAL/ Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Fungicide quickly targets pathogen spores to stop germination of key diseases, including snow mold, anthracnose, bermudagrass leaf spot and bentgrass dead spot. Fludioxonil (Phenylpyrrole)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Tebuconaozle (DMI), Stressgard

PPZ Select

4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Prime Source Fungicide

Broad spectrum fungicide recommended for the control of many important plant diseases with both preventative and curative action in turfgrass and ornamental use. 41.8% Propiconazole (DMI)


2 x 105 OZ Bottle / Case
2 x 42 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock
In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Fungicide holds stronger for up to 28 days of dollar spot control and delivers consistent spring dead spot control. Pydiflumetofen (SDHI)

Posterity XT & Ascernity MultiPak


Special Order

Syngenta Fungicide

Multipak: 1 - 2.5 Gal Jug of Posterity XT -Pydiflumetofen (SDHI), Azoxystrobin (Strobilurins), Propiconazole (DMI) and 1 - 1 Gal Jug of Ascernity - Difenoconazole (DMI), Solatenol (SDHI). Use all season for broad specrum disease control.

Propiconazole 14.3

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

An economical, broad-spectrum disease control product for cool and warm season grasses, trees, shrubs and flowers. 14.3% Propiconazole (DMI)


4 x 64 OZ Jug / Case

In Stock

Albaugh Fungicide

Prothioconazole (DMI)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Controls many key diseases, including anthracnose, brown patch, cool-weather brown patch, yellow patch, dollar spot, powdery mildew and red thread. Azoxystrobin (Strobilurins), Chlorothalonil (Nitriales)

Secure Action

2 x 64 OZ Jug / Case
2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock
In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Fungicide includes a boost of acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), to better prevent and quickly recover from biotic and abiotic stress. Acibenzolar-S-methyl, Fluazinam (Pyridinamine)

Signature XTRA

4 x 5.5 LB Bags / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Aluminum tris (Phosphonate), Stressgard

Strobe 50W

2 x 6 LB Bottle / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

A combination of two broad spectrum, preventative and curative fungicides with systemic properties for the control of many important turfgrass diseases. Azoxystrobin (Strobilurin), Propiconazole (DMI)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

Systemic, preventative protection against major turf and ornamental diseases.

Tebuconazole 3.6F Select

4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Albaugh Fungicide

Excellent preventative and curative control on a broadspectrum of disease pathogens. Rapid uptake in turf provides up to three weeks of residual disease control. Tebuconazole (DMI)

Tourney EZ

4 x 1 Gal / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Fungicide

Controls a broad spectrum of the toughest diseases, including fairy ring, summer patch, and brown patch. Metconazole (DMI)

Tuque exoGEM

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Formulated with Solatenol technology, Tuque Exogem controls a wide variety of diseases. Fludioxonil (Phenylpyrrole), Benzovindiflupyr (SDHI)


2 x 114 OZ Bottle / Case

Special Order

BASF Fungicide

Fluxapyroxad (Carboxamide)

3336 EG

4 x 5 LB Bottle / Case

Special Order

Nufarm Fungicide

Thiophanate-methy (Benzimidazoles)

Appear II

2 x 2 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Fungicide controls important diseases including Pythium and anthracnose, while enhancing color, turf quality and stress tolerance. Potassium Phosphite (Phosphonate)

Azoxy 2SC

4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Prime Source Fungicide

22.9% Azoxystrobin, Suspension Concentrate Formulation (Strobilurin)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Preventive and curative protection for Pythium blight, Pythium root rot and Phytophthora, Propamocarb (Carbamate)


2 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Fungicide combines a cooling Demethylation Inhibitor with a proven strobilurin to control over 20 turf diseases. Azoxystrobin (Strobilurins), Difenoconazole (DMI)


4 X 1 Gal / Case
8 x 16 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock In Stock

Envu Fungicide


Chlorothalonil 720 SFT

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

A contact fungicide which attacks fungi pathogens at multiple sites, interfering with many metabolic functions within the fungi. Chlorothalonil (Nitriales)


4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Trifloxystrobin (Strobilurin)

Daconil Action

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Fungicide is fortified with acibenzolar-S-methyl to stimulate the plant’s natural defenses against diseases like dollar spot, algae and anthracnose. Chlorothalonil (Nitriales)

Daconil Action & Heritage Action MultiPak


Special Order

Syngenta Fungicide

Fungicide is fortified with acibenzolar-S-methyl to stimulate the plant's natural defenses against diseases like dollar spot, algae and anthracnose. Chlorothalonil (Nitriles), Azoxystrobin (Stobilurin)

Daconil Zn

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Provides long lasting residual control of key diseases such as algae, brown patch, copper spot, Fusarium and many more. Chlorothalonil (Nitriales)

Emerald 70EG

10 x 0.49 LB Pak / Case

In Stock

BASF Fungicide

Boscalid (SDHI)


4 x 16 OZ Bottle / Case
2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case
4 x 64 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock
In Stock
In Stock

FMC Fungicide

Fluoxastrobin (Strobilurin)


2 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

Provides control of multiple diseases, including dollar spot, brown patch and leaf spot. When partnered with Chlorothalonil based fungicides, it provides season long contact protection. Fluazinam (Pyridinamine)


2 x 1 GAL / Case
10 GAL LinkPak

In Stock
Special Order

Syngenta Fungicide

Broad-spectrum disease control on cool- and warm- season turf, including spring dead spot, take-all root rot, take-all patch, summer patch, leaf spot and fairy ring. Azoxystrobin (Strobilurin), Propiconazole (DMI)

Hertiage Action

6 x 1 LB Bottle / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Combines the proven disease control of Heritage fungicide with a boost of Acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM) for enhanced biotic and abiotic stress management. Azoxystrobin (Strobilurins)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Iprodione (Dicarboximide), Trifloxystrobin (Strobilurin), Stressgard


4 x 64 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock

FMC Fungicide

Fluindapyr (SDHI), Flutriafol (DMI)

Mefenoxam 2AQ

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

Formulated to provide systemic control of root and stem diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora as well as foliar diseases such as downy mildew. Water-based formula with low odor, it can provide protection for up to 3 weeks. Mefenoxam (Phenylamide)

Myclobutanil 20 EW T&O

2 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

The systemic solution for curative and preventative control of fungal diseases in turfgrass, ornamentals and fruit trees. Myclobutanil (DMI)


2 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

This product delivers reliable, broad-spectrum control of several key turf diseases including snow mold, anthracnose, and bentgrass deadspot. Fludioxonil (Phenylpyrrole)

Posterity Forte

2 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

A reliable foundation for controlling key diseases like spring dead spot, take-all root rot and dollar spot on fairways and greens. Pydiflumetofen (SDHI), Azoxystrobin (Stobilurins), Propiconazole (DMI)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

AMVAC Fungicide

PCNB, Tebuconazole (DMI)

Propiconazole Select

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Prime Source Fungicide

Provides preventative and curative control of many turfgrass and ornamental diseases. 14.3% Propiconazole (DMI)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

FMC Fungicide

Flutriafol (DMI)


2 x 2.72 GAL / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

All in one root health product protects your roots from destructive soilborne diseases and suppresses nematode populations. Combines three actives: Indemnify, Banol and Densicor. Fluopyram (Benzamides), Prothioconazole (DMI), Propamocarb (Carbamate)


12 x 39.2 OZ Bottle/Case

In Stock


Provides outstanding protection against Pythium disease over a period of 7 to 28 days. Stops spores from germinating, preventatively inhibiting all stages of Pythium fungal development. Cyazofamid (Cyanoimidazole)

Spotrete F

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Fungicide

Thiram (Dithiocarbamates) for fungicide and also can be used as an animal repellant.

Subdue Maxx

2 x 1 GAL / Case
10 GAL LinkPak

In Stock
Special Order

Syngenta Fungicide

Fungicide provides contact and systemic protection against Pythium blight, Pythium damping-off and yellow tuft (downy mildew). Mefenoxam (Phenylamide)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Triadimefon (DMI), Trifloxystrobin (Strobilurin), Stressgard

Thiophanate-Methyl 4.5

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Prime Source Fungicide

Broad spectrum, systemic fungicide for the control and prevention of diseases on ornamentals and cool and warm season turfgrasses. Thiophanate-methyl (Benzimidazoles)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Fungicide

Premix fungicide to control challenging diseases, including anthracnose, dollar spot, brown patch and snow mold. Fluazinam (Pyridinamine), Tebuconazole (DMI)

Turfcide 400

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

AMVAC Fungicide

PCNB Flowable

3336 Flow

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

Special Order

Nufarm Fungicide

Thiophanate-methy (Benzimidazoles)

Armada 50DF

6 x 2 LB Bottle / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Effective broad-spectrum control for protection against the toughest diseases that affect both turf and ornamentals, Triadimefon (DMI), Trifloxystrobin (Strobilurin)


4 x 10 LB Bottle / Case

Special Order

Gowan Fungicide

OMRI listed, patented, dry formulation of copper hydroxide and copper oxychloride fungicide/bactericide (organic)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Triadimefon (DMI)

Briskway & Velista MultiPak


In Stock

Syngenta Multipak

1 GAL Briskway - Difenoconazole (DMI), Azoxystrobin (Strobilurin), 6 x 22 OZ Bottles Velista - Penthiopyra (SDHI)

Chipco 26019 FLO

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Iprodione (Dicarboximide)

Chlorothalonil DF

2 x 10 LB Bag / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

Features preventative disease protection with multi-site activity which means no resistance with repeated use. Chlorothalonil (Nitriales)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Fungicide Includes two active ingredients to help prevent more than 13 diseases, including snow mold. Chlorothalonil (Nitriales), Propiconazole (DMI)

Daconil Action & Appear II MultiPak


In Stock

Syngenta Multipak

2 GAL Appear - Potassium Phosphite, 1.19 GAL Daconil Action - Chlorothalonil (Nitrile)

Daconil Ultrex

4 x 5 LB Bags / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

A broad-spectrum contact fungicide providing extended disease protection from more than 50 diseases. Chlorothalonil (Nitriales)


8 x 51 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock

Envu Fungicide

Prothioconazole (DMI)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

Delivers effective, long-lasting protection from anthracnose, brown patch, dollar spot, snow mold and broad range of ornamental diseases. Chlorothalonil (Nitriales), Iprodione (Dicarboximides), Thiophanate-methyl (Benzimidazoles), Tebuconazole (DMI)

Fame +C

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

FMC Fungicide

Chlorothalonil (Nitrile), Fluoxastrobin (Strobilurin)


4 x 5.55 LB / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

Systemic mode of action provides long-lasting, broad-spectrum preventative control of diseases such as Pythium and Phytophthora in turf, ornamentals and bedding plants. Aluminum tris (Phosphonate)

Heritage Action & Velista MultiPak


In Stock

Syngenta Multipak

Combines the proven disease control of Heritage fungicide with a boost of Acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM) for enhanced biotic and abiotic stress management. Penthiopyrad (SDHI), Azoxystrobin (Stobilurins)

Hertiage TL

2 x 1 GAL / Case
10 GAL LinkPak

In Stock
Special Order

Syngenta Fungicide

A systemic fungicide with preventive and curative properties for control of some of the toughest turf diseases. Azoxystrobin (Strobilurins)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / CASE

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

Iprodione (Dicarboximide)


4 x 21 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock

BASF Fungicide

Xzemplar (Fluxapyroxad), Insignia (Pyraclostrobin)

Mefenoxam 2AQ

2 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

Formulated to provide systemic control of root and stem diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora as well as foliar diseases such as downy mildew. Water-based formula with low odor, it can provide protection for up to 3 weeks. Mefenoxam (Phenylamide)

Nivales T

2 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Prime Source Fungicide

Protectant fungicide for control of certain diseases of turfgrass. Brown patch, leaf spot, yellow patch, summer patch, anthracnose, gray leaf spot, bentgrass dead spot, and pink and gray snow mold. Fludioxonil (Phenylpyrrole), Tebuconazole (DMI)


4 x 60 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Fungicide

Provides an excellent fungicide program rotation partner to help manage and mitigate dollar spot resistance from SDHI, DMI, benzimidazole and dicarboximide fungicides. Mandestrobin (Strobilurin)

Posterity XT

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Provides up to 28 days of control of more than 20 diseases including dollar spot, brown patch, summer patch and more. Pydiflumetofen (SDHI), Azoxystrobin (Strobilurins), Propiconazole (DMI)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

AMVAC Fungicide

Flowable Chlorothalonil


2 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Sipcam Fungicide

Propamocarb (Carbamates)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case
55 GAL Drum

In Stock
Special Order

Quest Fungicide

Phosphite fungicide contains no sodium, ammonium or aluminum co-products that harm your plants or the environment. Highly systemic and quickly and fully translocates to all parts of the plant. Mono-and di-potassium salts of Phosphorous Acid (Phosphonate)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide



4 x 35 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock

FMC Fungicide

Pythium Fungicide, Picarbutrazox (tetrazolyloximes)

Strobe 2SL

2 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

A combination of two broad spectrum, preventative and curative fungicides with systemic properties for the control of many important turfgrass diseases. Azoxystrobin (Strobilurin), Propiconazole (DMI)


4 x 5 LB Bottle / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

Povides broad spectrum control and protection against turf and ornamental diseases. Chlorothalonil (Nitriales), Thiophanate-methyl (Benzimidazoles)

Tebuconazole 3.6

4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

QualiPro Fungicide

^Excellent preventative and curative control on a broadspectrum of disease pathogens. Rapid uptake in turf provides up to three weeks of residual disease control. Tebuconazole (DMI)


4 x 5 LB Bottle / Case

In Stock

Nufarm Fungicide

Controls a broad spectrum of the toughest diseases, including fairy ring, summer patch, and brown patch. Metconazole (DMI)


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Prokoz Fungicide

For control of a broad spectrum of diseases of bedding, flowering, herbaceous and tropical foliage plants, shrubs, trees and flowers, containerized woody shrubs and trees and turfgrass. Thiophanate-methyl (Benzimidazoles)


6 x 22 OZ Bottle / Case

In Stock

Syngenta Fungicide

Fungicide is the SDHI that controls the broadest spectrum of diseases including anthracnose, spring dead spot and fairy ring. Penthiopyrad (SDHI)

© 2025 Clesens, Clesen PROturf Solutions & Arthur Clesen Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Arthur Clesen Inc. and Clesen PROturf Solutions is a distributor of commercial fertilizer, chemicals, grass seed, ice, melters, T&O Supplies and Irrigation Components to green industry professionals in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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