26/36 Fungicide
2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case
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Nufarm Fungicide
Fungicide offers two modes of action and two plant movement strategies to increase length of disease control. As a tank-mix partner, it is compatible with most commonly used fungicides. Iprodione (Dicarboximides), thiophanate-methyl (Benzimidazoles)
Companion Biological Fungicide
4 x 5 LB Pail
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DPH Biological Fungicide
Broad spectrum biofungicide prevents, controls and suppresses soil-borne and foliar diseases. Includes rhizobacteria, which stimulates healthier roots and improves nutrient uptake, while protecting roots from invading pathogen
Daconil Action & Banner Maxx II MultiPak
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Syngenta Fungicide
Controls dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, red thread, necrotic ring spot, pink snow mold, gray snow mold and more. Propiconazole (DMI), Chlorothalonil (Nitriales). 1 – 2.5 gal Daconil Action fungicide, 1 – 1 gal Banner Maxx® II fungicide
Posterity XT & Ascernity MultiPak
Special Order
Syngenta Fungicide
Multipak: 1 - 2.5 Gal Jug of Posterity XT -Pydiflumetofen (SDHI), Azoxystrobin (Strobilurins), Propiconazole (DMI) and 1 - 1 Gal Jug of Ascernity - Difenoconazole (DMI), Solatenol (SDHI). Use all season for broad specrum disease control.
Mefenoxam 2AQ
2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case
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QualiPro Fungicide
Formulated to provide systemic control of root and stem diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora as well as foliar diseases such as downy mildew. Water-based formula with low odor, it can provide protection for up to 3 weeks. Mefenoxam (Phenylamide)
2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case
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QualiPro Fungicide
Delivers effective, long-lasting protection from anthracnose, brown patch, dollar spot, snow mold and broad range of ornamental diseases. Chlorothalonil (Nitriales), Iprodione (Dicarboximides), Thiophanate-methyl (Benzimidazoles), Tebuconazole (DMI)
Mefenoxam 2AQ
2 x 1 GAL / Case
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QualiPro Fungicide
Formulated to provide systemic control of root and stem diseases caused by Pythium and Phytophthora as well as foliar diseases such as downy mildew. Water-based formula with low odor, it can provide protection for up to 3 weeks. Mefenoxam (Phenylamide)
Nivales T
2 x 1 GAL / Case
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Prime Source Fungicide
Protectant fungicide for control of certain diseases of turfgrass. Brown patch, leaf spot, yellow patch, summer patch, anthracnose, gray leaf spot, bentgrass dead spot, and pink and gray snow mold. Fludioxonil (Phenylpyrrole), Tebuconazole (DMI)
2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case
55 GAL Drum
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Special Order
Quest Fungicide
Phosphite fungicide contains no sodium, ammonium or aluminum co-products that harm your plants or the environment. Highly systemic and quickly and fully translocates to all parts of the plant. Mono-and di-potassium salts of Phosphorous Acid (Phosphonate)