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Creeping Bentgrass Varieties

Crystal BlueLinks

25 lb Pail

Crystal BlueLinks Creeping Bentgrass had the highest turf quality, averaged across all locations, during 2006 NTEP fairway/tee trials. This bent grass variety has a different bluegreen color and has shown good resistance to brown patch and dollar spot. Crystal BlueLinks creeping bentgrass has also shown good heat tolerance.


25 lb Pail

L-93 Creeping Bentgrass has superior resistance to dollar spot—saved money in fungicide sprays, according to university tests Top #1 performance in tee and fairway categories at two consecutive national trials Upright, fine-blade leaves, but not so dense that it requires special pampering

Penn A-4

25 lb Pail

Penn A-4 Creeping Bentgrass is dark green with fine leaf texture, exceptional heat and cold tolerance, high density, disease resistant and aggressive growth habit. This bent grass variety provides a smooth grainless putting surface. Penn A-4 will also provide a good playing surface for tees and fairways. It is proven to be adaptable to various conditions.


25 lb bag

Penncross Creeping Bentgrass has set the bentgrass standard since 1955. It has a medium green coloration and has rapid establishment. This bent grass variety is known for its aggressive, lateral growth habit and wide range of adaptability. Penncross creeping bentgrass has excellent resistance to dollar spot as well as other diseases.

PC 2.0

25 lb bag

PC2.0 pays homage to the past while looking toward the future. Its dense, upright and aggressive growth habit competes exceptionally well against Poa annua, while displaying a stunning medium-green color and very fine leaf texture.

PennEagle II

25 lb Pail

Penneagle II Bentgrass provides an excellent playing surface for tees and fairways. It has a medium-fine, non-aggressive, semi-erect growth habit with a dark green coloration. Early spring green-up helps compete against grassy weeds such as Poa annua. Penneagle II bent grass variety can be used for winter overseeding in the sunbelt.


25 lb Pail

PennTrio Certified Creeping Bentgrass is an obvious choice for tees and fairways. It combines the strengths of Penncross, Penneagle and PennLinks II. This certified blend of creeping bent grass has a wide range of climatic adaptability, due to the genetic diversity of the blend.

PennLinks II

25 lb Pail

PennLinks II Bentgrass provides an excellent playing surface for tees, fairways and greens. This bent grass variety has a medium dark green coloration, with semi-fine erect growth habit and semi-aggressiveness. Increased density with improved disease resistance to dollar spot. Same good heat and drought tolerance as the original.


25 lb Pail

Pennway Bentgrass provides the broad genetic diversity required to create an excellent playing surface on various soil types. Contains Penncross, PennLinks II, Seaside II, Penneagle and Penn G-6. This bent grass variety has good heat and drought tolerance with good disease resistance. Pennway is also available as an uncertified blend.

Pure Distinction

25 lb Pail

Pure Distinction is the latest advanced bentgrass from Pure-Seed Testing. It has a rich heritage that includes legendary Penncross and the groundbreaking Penn A’s and G’s. Uniquely bright green colored, Pure Distinction takes the superb attributes of these bents—dense, upright, and aggressive growth, less thatch and easy maintenance—to the next level. It’s the ultimate bentgrass for smooth and true putting greens.


Pure Distinction also has exceptionally strong resistance to diseases and outstanding resistance to heat, cold and wear.

Pure Select

25 lb Pail

Pure Select is the product of a rich heritage that includes Penncross and the groundbreaking Penn A’s & G’s. Pure Select has a dense, upright, and aggressive growth habit. It’s wear tolerant and produces less thatch. With exceptionally strong disease, heat, cold, and wear tolerance it’s easy to manage. Pure Select gives you quick spring green-up and outstanding turf quality year round. It’s an exceptional bentgrass for greens, tees, and fairways.


25 lb Pail

PureFormance Fairway Blend combines three top performing bentgrass varieties for broad genetic diversity and the highest quality playing surfaces. These three high performance bents compliment each other to provide a broader spectrum of disease resistance, heat and cold tolerance, quick recovery, fast establishment, and unmatched performance. PureFormance Fairway Blend is perfect for new establishment, overseeding, and interseeding into existing turf.

SeaSide II

25 lb Pail

Seaside II Creeping Bentgrass provides a high-quality turf playing surface for tees, fairways and greens. This bent grass variety has shown very good drought tolerance and the ability to use effluent or water sources that have a salt level to 15,000 ppm, with a pH of 7.5 - 8.5. Seaside II creeping bentgrass has shown excellent resistance to dollar spot and other turf diseases.

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Penn A4
Penn trio
Penn Links
Pure Distinction
Pure Select
Anchor 1

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Arthur Clesen Inc. and Clesen PROturf Solutions is a distributor of commercial fertilizer, chemicals, grass seed, ice, melters, T&O Supplies and Irrigation Components to green industry professionals in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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