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PentraBark Surfactant

Quest Adjuvant

Penetrating surfactant will take water soluble insecticide, fungicide, plant growth regulators or fertilizer into the vascular system of the tree for translocation into foliage or roots

Item Number


Package Size

12 x 1 QT / Case


In Stock

PENTRA-BARK® is a unique patent pending surfactant application for treatment of trees and plants.PENTRA-BARK® has been specifically designed for use on herbaceous woody plant surfaces with fungicides, insecticides, plant growth regulators and micro-nutrients.

PENTRA-BARK’s new technology facilitates “non-invasive treatment” of trees and woody plants with systemic pesticides/nutrients. Conventional treatment methods utilizing labor intensive drilling, injection of root flare, and high pressure deep root injection of pesticides for soil saturation is eliminated. The liability of chemical trespass with foliar application is also eliminated.

How does PENTRA-BARK work?
All woody plants have microscopic openings in theexterior protective bark periderm layer called lenticels.   These lenticels are functionally used for plant transpiration and pressure regulation.  Lenticels connect directly to the plant’s annual spiral openings or vascular metabolic transport system contained in the plant’s cambial phelloderm.  When PENTRA-BARK is applied to the woody bark periderm in combination with systemic pesticides it opens the lenticels and enables movement through the lenticels into the plant’s vascular transport system.

Apply to tree trunk from ground level up to andincluding first scaffold limbs if possible for best performance to point of runoff.

Spray Application Rate:

Bark applications: add 3/4% to 1% or 0.75 to 1% by solution
volume of Pentra-Bark to solution to be applied to tree trunk

Foliar Application: add 1/4% to 1/2% or 0.25% to 0.5% by
solution volume of Pentra–Bark to total foliar spray solution

Mixing Sequence:

Thoroughly clean spray tank prior to use
Fill tank 1/2 to 3/4 full of water, check water pH and adjust if needed add Pentra-Bark at recommended rate for the application agitate thoroughly to assure uniform mixing of product and water add recommended rate of pesticides, mix thoroughly, add additional water to bring to solution volume requirements for the specific application

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Arthur Clesen Inc. and Clesen PROturf Solutions is a distributor of commercial fertilizer, chemicals, grass seed, ice, melters, T&O Supplies and Irrigation Components to green industry professionals in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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