ArborJet TREE-äge G4
ArborJet Insecticide
Injected insecticide for two-year control of listed insect & mite pests in deciduous and coniferous trees and palms, proven to be very effective against Emerald Ash Borer. 4% Emamectin Benzoate
Item Number
Package Size
4 x 1 QT / Case
In Stock
Injected insecticide for two-year control of listed insect & mite pests in deciduous and coniferous trees and palms, proven to be very effective against Emerald Ash Borer. The same TREE-äge you’ve come to trust, now as a General Use Product. Formulated in the USA and backed by more than a decade of University studies and real-world data. Accept no substitutes.
Active Ingredient: Emamectin Benzoate: 4.0%
Other Ingredients: 96.0%
Effective Treatment for:
Seed and Cone Pests:
Coneworm (Dioryctria spp.), Cone beetle (Conophthorus spp.), Pine Cone Seed bug (suppression of Leptoglossus and Tetyra spp. in the year of treatment)
Bud and Leaf Pests:
Tent Caterpillars including Eastern, Forest, Pacific, and Western; Western Spruce Budworm; Winter Moth; Bagworm; Cankerworm; Casebarer*; Eastern Oak Looper; Elm Spanworm; Fall Webworm; Gypsy Moth; Leafrollers; Linden Looper; Mimosa Webworm; Oak Worm; Pine Needle Miner*; Poplar Tentmaker*; Tussock Moth; Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar*; Yellownecked Caterpillar*; Leafminers including Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera; Honeylocust Plant Bug; Pine Needle Scale; Conifer Mite; Red Palm Mite; Sawfly including Elm, Pine
Shoot, Stem, Trunk and Branch Pests:
Clearwing Borers including Ash, and Sequoia Pine Pitch Tube Moth; Carpenterworm*; Cottonwood Twig Borer; Zimmerman Moth; Flat-headed Borers including adult and larvae of Emerald Ash Borer; Gall Wasps including Banyan Stem Gall Wasp*; Roundheaded Borers excluding Asian Longhorned Beetle; Ambrosia Beetles including Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer (Euwallacea fornicatus); Scolytids (bark beetles): Ips Engraver Beetles, Mountain Pine Beetle, Southern Pine Beetle, Spruce Beetle, Western Pine Beetle, Black Turpentine Beetle, Walnut Twig Beetle, Pinewood Nematode