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ArborJet PhosphoJet Fungicide
ArborJet Fungicide
Systemic fungicide and plant resistance activator for the suppression of various plant diseases, phosphite (phosphoric acid) (Phosphonate)
Item Number
Package Size
8 x 1 LTR Bottle / Case
In Stock
Systemic fungicide and plant resistance activator for the suppression of various plant diseases
Active Ingredients: Mono-and di-potassium salts of Phosphorous Acid: 45.8%
Other Ingredients: 54.2%
Total: 100.0%
Effective Treatment for:
Black spot, Cankers, Scab, Fire Blight, Root Rot, Bud Rot, Downy Mildew, Anthracnose, Phytophthora in ornamentals, including Oak, and in conifers.
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