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Aquathol Super K
UPI Aquatic Herbicide
Concentrated granular formulation aquatic herbicide controls submerged weeds such as Hydrilla, Eurasian Water Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed without harming other beneficial species such as Vallisneria, Water Stargrass, Chara, and Nitella
Item Number
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2 x 20 LB Bag / Case
In Stock
UPI Aquathol Super K: Granular Aquatic Herbicide
Description:UPI Aquathol Super K is a granular aquatic herbicide formulated with the active ingredient Endothall, designed for the control of submerged and floating aquatic weeds in ponds, lakes, reservoirs, and irrigation canals. Its effectiveness makes it ideal for managing a wide range of aquatic species, including invasive weeds like hydrilla, Eurasian watermilfoil, and other unwanted vegetation in aquatic environments.
Active Ingredient:
Endothall (present as the potassium salt of Endothall) – 63.0%
Effective control of a broad spectrum of submerged and floating aquatic weeds.
Rapid action – works quickly to inhibit weed growth and root development.
Long-lasting – provides extended control, reducing the frequency of application.
Low toxicity to fish and aquatic life when used according to label directions.
Ideal for large water bodies such as lakes, reservoirs, and canals.
Helps in restoring the balance of aquatic ecosystems, promoting healthier water conditions for fish and other aquatic organisms.
Application Rates:The application rate of UPI Aquathol Super K depends on the type and density of the aquatic vegetation:
Quiescent, Slow Moving, or Flowing Water: 3.3 to 22.0 lbs. Aquathol Super K per Acre ft.
Do not apply when water temperatures are below 60°F or when water levels are low, as this may reduce the herbicide’s effectiveness.
Do not use in irrigation systems without confirming compatibility with crops.
Avoid drift to non-target areas. Do not apply near sensitive crops or natural habitats.
Maximum use: Limit applications to no more than two treatments per season unless otherwise directed by a professional applicator.
Water use restrictions: Do not allow water treated with Aquathol Super K to be used for drinking or irrigation for at least 24 hours following application.
Always wear protective clothing, including gloves, goggles, and a respirator during application.
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. In case of exposure, wash with plenty of water and seek medical attention if necessary.
Keep people and pets away from treated water for 24 hours after application.
Store the product in a cool, dry place, away from food, feed, or open water.
First aid instructions: In case of accidental ingestion, do not induce vomiting and seek immediate medical assistance.
Conclusion:UPI Aquathol Super K is a powerful, efficient herbicide for controlling a variety of aquatic weeds, ensuring healthier aquatic ecosystems. By adhering to application rates, timing, and safety guidelines, users can safely and effectively manage invasive aquatic vegetation.
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Always consult the product label for complete application instructions and safety guidelines. For the most accurate label information please refer to the manufacturer website.