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2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

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UPI Algaecide

Aquatic Weed Herbicide, Dipotassium salt of endothall


6 x 1 QT Bottle / Case

In Stock

SePRO Herbicide

An effective and selective treatment solution for the control of floating, emergent, and submersed aquatic weed species. Imazamox

Cutrine Granular

30 LB Bag

In Stock

Applied Bio Algaecide

Aquatic Chelated Copper Sulfate

Jet Black WSP Pond Dye

24 x 5.25 OZ WSP / Case

In Stock

Aquatrols Aquatics

Proprietary blend of environmentally friendly, nontoxic black dyes reduces sunlight penetration and imparts a natural black, reflective color for lakes and ponds. Waterproof, foil-lined SoluPak prevents accidental staining.

Precise Pond

4 x (6 x 8 OZ Paks) / Case

In Stock

Aquatrols Aquatics

A combination of enzymes and bacteria that preemptively digest phosphorus and nitrogen in the water column, while accelerating the breakdown of partially decomposed organic matter, waste and sludge accumulation on lake and pond bottoms.

Sonar One

20 LB Pail

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SePRO Herbicide

An herbicide for management of aquatic vegetation in fresh water ponds, lakes, reservoirs, potable water sources, drainage canals, irrigation canals and rivers. Fluridone

Aquathol Super K

2 x 20 LB Bag / Case

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UPI Aquatic Herbicide

Concentrated granular formulation aquatic herbicide controls submerged weeds such as Hydrilla, Eurasian Water Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed without harming other beneficial species such as Vallisneria, Water Stargrass, Chara, and Nitella

Copper Sulfate Fine/Sugar

50 LB Bag

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Copper Sulfate Sugar/Fine


2 x 25 LB Filter

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Sepro Aquatic

Aquatic filters focus on stopping phosphorus concentrations from external flowing water. The filters cut off phosphorus at the source and reduce buildup in lakes. This means less algae growth and healthier water bodies.

K-Tea Algeacide

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

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SePRO Algaecide

For use in slow-moving or quiescent bodies of water. For eliminating troublesome planktonic and filamentous algae from a variety of water bodies including golf course and ornamental ponds. Copper triethanolamine complex


2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

SePRO Algaecide

Aquatic algaecide and water quality enhancer in one designed to replace routine algaecide treatments. Copper sulfate pentahydrate

TrueBlue Pond Dye Liquid

4 x 1 GAL / Case

In Stock

Aquatrols Aquatics

Proprietary blend of environmentally friendly, nontoxic dyes reduces sunlight penetration and imparts a natural blue color for lakes and ponds.

Captain XTR

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

SePRO Algaecide

For the control of all algae types. Optimized to increase the penetration of copper into algae cells, enhancing the efficacy of the product. Copper ethanolamine complex

Copper Sulfate Medium/Large

50 LB Bag

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Copper Sulfate Medium/Large

Eutrasorb WC

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

In Stock

Sepro Aquatic

Proprietary aqueous blend of phosphate binding minerals for rapid and permanent inactivation of phosphorus from the water column in ponds and lakes.

Komeen Descend

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case

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Sepro Aquatic

MicroCRYSTAL Technology makes Komeen Descend the first of its kind in aquatics. It sprays like a liquid, but stays in place like a granule for improved contact exposure time and better results.

Seclear G

20 LB Bag

In Stock

SePRO Algaecide

Aquatic algaecide and water quality enhancer in one designed to replace routine algaecide treatments. Copper sulfate pentahydrate

TrueBlue Pond Dye WSP

24 x 5.25 OZ WSP / Case

In Stock

Aquatrols Aquatics

Proprietary blend of environmentally friendly, nontoxic dyes reduces sunlight penetration and imparts a natural blue color.

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Arthur Clesen Inc. and Clesen PROturf Solutions is a distributor of commercial fertilizer, chemicals, grass seed, ice, melters, T&O Supplies and Irrigation Components to green industry professionals in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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