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4 x 1 GAL / Case

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Ecologel Biostimulant

Cytokinin based hormone biostimulant designed to increase root mass, speed propagation of cuttings, and improve stress tolerance.

Green Sand with Seed 2000 LB Bag

2000 LB Bag

Special Order

Green Sand with Seed

Fines Free Topdressing Sand dyed dark green blended with sphagnum peat moss. Better water retention than straight divot sand. Organic blend helps seed germination. With Penncross Bentgrass. Waupaca Sand & Solutions


Molasses Kings Sea Sugar

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case
30 GAL Drum
250 GAL Tote

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In Stock
In Stock

Molasses forward plant and soil feed product. Mojo is a combination of Molasses, Magnesium Sulfate & Kelp.

Molasses Kings The Sea Sugar 1-0-1 is a blended liquid plant fertilizer and soil microbiology nutrition source. The Sea Sugar 1-0-1 can be used in combination with other liquid fertilizers.

ProMound Packing Clay

50 LB Bag

In Stock

Baseball Packing Clay (Most Popular)

A unique blue gumbo packing clay, Pro's Choice Pro Mound bonds to form a solid subsurface that allows players to “dig in” and establish footing without leaving large holes. 40 bags/pallet

Soil Conditioner

50 LB Bag

Special Order

Soil Conditioner

Designed to meet the challenges of wet, dry or compacted fields. This unique, durable granule helps create passage ways that improve drainage and loosen soil for deeper root zones and safer play. Pros Choice


TerraSorb MD

10 LB Bag

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Soil Hydrogen Granules

Water management gel polymers are substances that absorb hundreds of times their weight in water.


20 Liter Pail

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Organic Biostimulant

Composted fish manure. Biostimulant that aids root growth and development, breaks down organic and synthetic matter, increasing availability of essential nutrients inherent in the soil. OMRI labelled, USDA certified Biobased product.

Green Sand/Peat Mix 2000 LB Tote

2000 LB Tote

In Stock

Green Sand/Peat Mix

Fines free topdressing sand dyed dark green blended with sphagnum peat moss. Better water retention than straight divot sand. Organic blend helps seed germination.


Molasses Kings Sweet Heat

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case
30 GAL Drum
250 GAL Tote

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In Stock
In Stock

Molasses forward plant and soil feed product. Mojo is a combination of Molasses & Iron Sulfate.

Molasses Kings The Sweet Heat 0-0-2 is a blended liquid plant fertilizer and soil microbiology nutrition source. The Sweet Heat 0-0-2 can be uses in combination with other liquid fertilizers.

Rapid Dry

50 LB Bag

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Baseball Drying Agent

These sand-like granules are designed to quickly wick away excess water from the infield, allowing games to be played safely without delays. 40 bags/pallet; Granule Size: 12/80

Soil Master Red

50 LB Bag
2,000 LB Tote

In Stock

Baseball Field Amendment

Pro's Choice Red is designed to meet the challenges of wet, dry, or compacted infields, this durable granule helps create passageways for drainage and eliminates compaction for truer bounces and safer play. Granule Size: 5/30; 40 bags/pallet or 2,000 lb tote

Terrasorb MS

10 LB Bag

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Soil Hydrogen Granules

Water management gel polymers are substances that absorb hundreds of times their weight in water.

Green Sand 50 LB Bag

50 LB Bag
2000 LB Tote

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Green Sand

Fines Free Topdressing Sand blended with a permanent dark green dye. Repair high-profile areas. Great for filling divots on tee boxes. Waupaca Sand & Solutions


Kiln Dried Sand 50 LB Bag

50 LB Bag
2000 LB Tote

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Kiln Dried Sand

Dried, sterilized, and precision-fractionated greens topdressing sand. Clean, medium grade greens topdressing sand. Waupaca Sand & Solutions


Molasses Kings The MOJO

2 x 2.5 GAL Jug / Case
30 GAL Drum
250 GAL Tote

In Stock
In Stock
In Stock

Molasses forward plant and soil feed product. Mojo is a combination of Molasses, Urea & Ammonium Sulfate.

Molasses Kings The MOJO 10-0-2 is a blended liquid plant fertilizer and soil microbiology nutrition source. The MOJO 10-0-2 can be uses in combination with other liquid fertilizers.

Sea XTRA Pellets

12 Pellets / Box

In Stock

Ecologel Biostimulant

Non-ionic surfactant blend enhanced with seaweed extract to combat persistent hydrophobic soil conditions and recover localized dry spots

Soil Master Topdressing

50 LB Bag

In Stock

Soil Master Topdressing

Formulated for golf tees, greens, and sand-based sports fields, Pro’s Choice Ceramic retains moisture and releases it in the root zone. Perfectly sized granules for sand-based environments. Pros Choice. 40 bags/pallet; Granule Size: 24/48

© 2025 Clesens, Clesen PROturf Solutions & Arthur Clesen Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Arthur Clesen Inc. and Clesen PROturf Solutions is a distributor of commercial fertilizer, chemicals, grass seed, ice, melters, T&O Supplies and Irrigation Components to green industry professionals in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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